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Dental Implants Costa Rica implantes dentales

Dental implants placement was pioneered by oral and maxillofacial surgeons like Dr. Reiche, and we are still leaders in providing the innovative techniques to provide patients natural-looking results that can last a lifetime.


A dental implant is a titanium post (like a tooth root) that is surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath the gum line that allow us  to mount replacement teeth or a type of  bridge work into that area. An implant doesn’t come loose like a denture can.


Dental implants also benefit general oral health because they do not have to be anchored to other teeth, like bridges.

As an oral and maxillofacial surgeon and  its extensive surgical training and years of experience , Dr. Reiche is able to successfully place dental implants in most patients, even so-called “high-risk” patients suffering from chronic health conditions, gum disease or bone loss in the jaw area.


If your bone is too thin or soft and unable to support an implant, you may require a bone graft or if there is not enough bone height in the upper jaw or the sinuses are too close to the jaw, you may require a sinus lift procedure, both being highly successful in Dr. Reiche´s hands. Over 98% success.


Today dental implants are part of Dr Reiche´s everyday armamentarium and used for any case needed.

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